Managing our plan
76 articles
Types of administrator roles and permissions for your 401(k) plan
Who can be a trustee for a Guideline 401(k) plan?
How to help Guideline share important plan notices with participants
How sponsors can prepare for the close of this plan year and start of the new year
How to add an administrator or collaborator to help manage your 401(k) plan
How to add an owner to your 401(k) employee roster
How to remove a plan administrator or collaborator
How to find your administrator access level
Understanding your role as a fiduciary
How can I be removed as an administrator, collaborator, trustee, or primary benefit administrator?
FAQ about how to change the 401(k) plan trustee and the Trustee Change Packet
Insurance and ERISA bonding
How to add, edit, or remove a bank account or credit card
Invoicing and billing for Guideline 401(k) plan sponsors
How to update your company name, EIN, address, or entity type in your Guideline account
How to verify your bank account using micro-deposits
What to do if your plan has a bank failure
How to resolve payment issues with your bank using Guideline’s allowlist ACH IDs
How ACH payroll failures may result in withdrawal amount discrepancies when recollected
Which payroll providers does Guideline integrate with?
How our payroll integrations work
How to notify Guideline you are changing payroll providers
How to review past payroll contribution collections
How do I uninstall the ADP Marketplace Guideline App to address issues with my ADP® integration?
How do I connect my TriNet PEO account to Guideline
I ran my first payroll after the plan’s start date and don’t see contributions on my employees’ pay stubs. What should I do?
How to report employee compensation to Guideline each year
What is considered employee compensation for your 401(k) plan?
How to connect your Paylocity account to Guideline
How do I connect my Proliant account to Guideline?
When will adjustments made on payroll records be reflected in Guideline?
What are the Guideline implications of the “Not on Payroll” employee status in QuickBooks Online Payroll?
How to add new employees to your Guideline roster
How can I remove an employee from our Guideline roster?
How can I fix incorrect employee information on my Guideline roster?
Why are employee email addresses missing from my Roster?
How do I update the status of a dismissed employee in Guideline?
Why are my hourly employees' compensation amounts incorrect in Guideline?
Why do I need to maintain dismissed employees' contact information on my roster?
What should I do when an employee passes away?
How to locate a participant who no longer works for the company
How sponsors can diagnose and correct contribution errors
What is a mistake of fact in 401(k) plans?
Why year-end plan adjustments may occur
What is a missed deferral opportunity and how is it corrected?
What is plan cash and why does it appear on my contribution report?
Can I make changes to contribution amounts after payroll has been processed?
What is a self-service 401(k) plan with Guideline?
How to upload payroll reports for contributions on a self-service plan
How to fix common errors when uploading your self-service payroll report
How to correct payroll report errors after upload or processing for self-service plans
How to start or stop employee 401(k) loan payments for self-service plans
When can I terminate my 401(k) plan?
What are the steps to terminate a Guideline 401(k) plan?
I submitted a request to terminate or transfer my plan, why am I seeing 401(k) deductions in my payroll system?
What's the difference between transferring out of Guideline and an external merger?
Why are there corrections for a terminating or transferring plan?
How billing works for a plan transferring out of Guideline or terminating?
What is a partial plan termination and how could it affect my plan?
Partial plan termination worksheet
When will participants be notified of the plan termination?
What is short-year compliance testing and compensation collection for a terminating plan?
What actions should my plan’s participants take during a plan termination?
Can I still make administrator changes if I've requested a termination or transfer?
What are the different ways to discontinue a Guideline plan?
How do I complete the transfer-out packet for my company's plan?
What are the steps to transfer or merge your Guideline 401(k) plan to another provider?
How residual dividends are handled post asset-transfer
What happens if my company merges with another company that also has a Guideline 401(k) plan?
What does a company acquisition mean for a Guideline 401(k) plan?
When does Guideline stop collecting contributions for my terminating or transferring plan?