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How to fix common errors when uploading your self-service payroll report
How to fix common errors when uploading your self-service payroll report
Updated over 8 months ago

When uploading a payroll report for your Guideline 401(k) self-service payroll plan, certain errors can prevent you from submitting your report successfully. These errors are typically related to formatting or data issues.

You can review detailed instructions on processing contributions via your Payroll tab here.

Why a report may fail to upload

At this time, Guideline’s system will only accept CSV files. The system cannot accept PDF, XLS, or TXT file types. Before uploading your report, export or save the template as a CSV file. Alternatively, you can manually enter your payroll information.

Having trouble uploading your CSV file? Make sure it's saved in UTF-8 format. Guideline only accepts CSV files with UTF-8 encoding.

Microsoft Excel

Apple Numbers


How to identify errors after upload

After you submit your payroll report, the system will show you a preview of all data that was imported. If there are orange or red cells within the Payroll Report preview, then it indicates there is an issue with the data in that field. You can also see the valid and invalid entry count right above the spreadsheet.

Warning - Orange: Information marked with a warning means that Guideline needs to review the data to ensure it is what we need. You will still be able to submit your payroll report with warnings.

Invalid - Red: Information marked as invalid must be resolved before you can submit your payroll report. You can quickly see all invalid entries by clicking on the Invalid button above the chart. Note that you may have to scroll to the right to see the flagged cells.


Common reasons for upload failures

Missing information

In order to properly process your payroll, there is certain information that is required for upload, including:

  • First name

  • Middle name (optional but recommended if you have employees with the same first and last name)

  • Last name

  • Pay date

  • Pay period gross pay

  • Pay period hours worked

Additionally, the following fields must be included and calculated as a dollar figure. For any fields that do not apply, insert 0 rather than leave it blank.

  • Traditional (pre-tax) contribution

  • Roth (after-tax) contribution

  • Employer contribution

  • Loan repayment

  • It’s important to confirm that contribution and loan amounts are reported accurately to avoid financial implications associated with missed deferral opportunities or late loan payments for employees.

Incorrect pay date format

The entered pay date on your report must follow one of these formats:

  • 2001-01-01 (yyyy-mm-dd)

  • 01/01/2001 (mm/dd/yyyy)

  • 1/1/2001 (m/d/yyyy)

  • 01/01/01 (mm/dd/yy)

Unidentifiable employee

New employees hired since your last payroll run must be added to your Guideline Roster before you upload a payroll report.

In addition, employee names in your payroll report must match the names in your Guideline roster exactly and cannot contain any accented letters (e.g., â, î, ô). If an employee changes their name, please remember to also update the name in your Guideline Roster.

Blank cells or unexpected values

If any columns do not apply to your employees, enter “0” rather than leave it blank or add symbols or “N/A.” For example, if your plan does not have a match or non-elective contribution, enter 0 in the employer contribution column for all employees.

Duplicate row

Each employee should only have one line item for each pay date in the payroll report. If there are multiple contributions for a single employee for the same pay date, consolidate the contributions into a single line item. Similarly, if you run an additional payroll on the same date as another payroll, report the total of all contributions for the employee on that pay date.


Do not include a row for grand totals — our system will automatically add up your contributions.

How to fix payroll errors

Before upload

If errors are indicated within your payroll report, there are two ways you can address them before upload: manually enter the information or re-upload your CSV report.

To manually adjust the invalid data: Simply click within the invalid cells and enter or edit the appropriate information.

To upload a new report:

  1. Check the open box in the top left corner of the data list to select all rows. Once clicked, you should see all rows checked and highlighted.

  2. Click the trash can icon and select the “Delete records” button in the pop-up notification to confirm.


  3. Within the left menu, go to Files, then click the “Upload file” button to add your updated list.


  4. Once the file loads, click “Import” for the report you just uploaded. In the “Import to …” screen, click “Self Service Payroll” then “Continue.”

  5. Your new payroll report sheet should then display. If the Invalid button shows as 0, click the “Submit” button and your report will be uploaded within several moments.

Corrections after upload

If you notice an error within your payroll after you have successfully submitted your report, corrections will depend on whether the payroll has been processed.

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