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Learn moreEmployees
401(k) participants
106 articles
Plan sponsors & administrators
168 articles
IRA savers
Personal & SEP Individual Retirement Accounts
25 articles
Guideline & retirement basics
Security, account access, & investments
36 articles
Guideline Pro
Financial & benefits professional partners
8 articles
Video library
Guides and how-to videos for participants & sponsors
6 articles
New 401(k) participant welcome guide
An introduction to 401(k) plan management for sponsors and administrators
How do I roll over other retirement accounts to my Guideline 401(k)?
How to report employee compensation to Guideline each year
Pre-tax vs. Roth: Factors to consider when contributing to your Guideline 401(k)
How to add new employees to your Guideline roster
What tax documents do I need to file for a 401(k) or IRA?
How do I request an owner’s draw?