Owner’s draws are a way business owners earning self-employment income can make 401(k) contributions.
Eligible owners
In general, owners of the following entity types are eligible for owner’s draws, as they often earn self-employment income:
Limited partnerships
LLCs taxed as partnerships
Single-member LLCs
Sole proprietorships
Non-eligible owners
Typically, the following entity types are not eligible for an owner’s draws, and 401(k) contributions for all participants (including owners) must come through payroll:
LLCs taxed as S-corporations
LLCs taxed as C-corporations
Any type of corporations
Owners of corporations and LLCs taxed as corporations receive W-2 wages just like other employees. S-corporation owners will often receive both W-2 wages and self-employment income. However, self-employment income from an S-corporation is never considered compensation for 401(k) purposes due to IRS rules.
How to make an owner's draw
If you are eligible and would like to make an owner’s draw, you must initiate a request from your participant dashboard before the end of the year (December 31). You can find step-by-step directions on requesting an owner's draw here.
The above information is intended to provide general information about Guideline plan provisions, it is not intended to be tax or legal advice. As always, if you have specific questions about your situation you should consult your tax advisor.